Local Government minister tours projects
Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Kondwani Nankhumwa says a good road network is key to socio-economic development of Blantyre City.

Nankhumwa was speaking on Saturday, 21 May 2016 when he toured the project sites of the upgraded roads and street lights in the City.
“Government has allocated more funds in the 2016/17 budget towards roads infrastructure development,” said Nankhumwa.
“And Blantyre City stands to benefit as it has shown that it is leading in terms of developing its road infrastructure.”
The Minister however condemned the acts of vandalism which he said derail development.
“We cannot sit back and watch vandalism robe of us of these promising development projects. Guarding against vandalism must start with us residents and government will follow suit with the relevant legislations to curb this problem,” he said.
Mayor Noel Chalamanda also spoke strongly against vandalism urging the Police, Judiciary and residents to team up with the Council in the fight against the vice.
Said Chalamanda; “I urge you fellow residents to report all acts of vandalism to the Police. Vandals are enemies of development and we must root them up so that we create a better Blantyre.”
Later in the day, the Minister presided over the hand-over ceremony of two refuse trucks and an Ambulance.
The Malawi Embassy in Japan sourced the two trucks from Adachi Ward in Tokyo and the ambulance from the Fire Fighters Association of Japan.
First Secretary at the Japanese Embassy Akihiro Mutoh pledged continued support from the people of Japan to the people of Malawi as they are true friends.