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Message from the Mayor

Message from the Mayor Joseph Makwinja
I have the privilege and great sense of honour to welcome you to the Blantyre City’s web site. This web page has been designed to provide unlimited access to interaction between the residents who are our primary target and other stakeholders and the City leadership. This site plays an important role in providing a platform for the Council to appraise the residents on public services delivered by providing up-to-date information and news. It is also a channel for residents and other stakeholders to provide feedback to the City leadership.

Thank you for visiting this site with the hope that it will be of benefit to you and the community we serve.

Our hope is in our residents who have clearly made a resolve to take their City to another level. Our strength and our motivation is the fact that the residents have shouldered the responsibility of looking after their City. We are proud to provide a City with very conducive environment for people to do live and business and prosper.

Blantyre City also provides places for unwinding, entertainment, restaurants with mouth watering cuisines and above all, we are working with our Police to provide a safe and secure Blantyre. I hope you find this website helpful for gaining access to the information you need about our great city.

All this is in line with our motto “Taking the City Back to the People”

We are very happy that we have the people in Blantyre who are willing to accept the City and move together with us as we develop in all sectors of life.
