Roads upgrading projects on course
The upgrading of some roads to asphalt surface launched in February this year is expected to be completed within the expected period.

It is expected that the construction works on the six roads—Off Mugabe Highway to Mpingwe (2.08 km), Angelogoveya to Manje (4.160 km), Living Waters to Zion (2.045 km), Chilomoni Ring Road (3.570 km) and Chimseu to Magalasi (0.936 km), Landrover Chilimba to Level crossing in Magalasi (1.247 km) roads—will last 180 days.
Director of Engineering Services Grant Sichali expressed this optimism during a site meeting at one of the projects.
“There is good progress on the construction and they are expected to meet the construction time,” said Sichali.
“Currently, we are half way down the construction period but the work on the ground shows that they are going to meet the deadline,” he said.
In fact, Sichali said the Chinseu to Magalasi road is at an advanced stage that the contractor is set to beat the deadline.
“So far, there are no major challenges being faced in the construction works,” he said.
Government through Roads Authority provided K1.8 billion to the council for development and apart from the six roads, part of the money has been used to rehabilitate street lights.