Council attends Habitat III meeting in Barcelona
Director of Town Planning and Estates Services Costly Chanza is in Barcelona, Spain attending the Habitat III Thematic Meeting on Public Spaces.

Chanza is one of the key speakers and also presenting a paper on urban management of open spaces ‘A New Urban Agenda for Combating Inequalities: Claiming for Public Spaces and a City for All.’
Dr. Joan Clos, Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, says the meeting aims at encouraging the exchange of views and experiences in Sustainable Urban Development acknowledging the common challenges and the need to agree on an approach that will propel the topic of public spaces to set the New Urban Agenda at the Habitat III Conference.
“The aim of this meeting is to focus discussion on policies and strategies to make cities and territories more equitable, inclusive and sustainable places,” says Clos.
“The Habitat III Thematic Meeting presents an opportunity to gather different participants to identify inputs in the topic of public space that will result in the format of a final declaration considered official contributions to the Habitat III process,” he adds.
The meeting, focusing its discussion on policies and strategies to make cities and territories more equitable, inclusive and sustainable places, is taking place on 4th and 5th April 2016