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Council plans to plant 15 000 indigenous trees

The Deputy Mayor Councillor Joseph Makwinja says Blantyre City Council plans to plant at least 15,000 indigenous tree seedlings this year to dress Mudi River, Nasolo River, Naperi River, Limbe River, Nyambadwe Hill and Mthawira Hill.

Mcvittie Chiphwanya, Escom Regional Manager (South) planting a tree

Makwinja on Tuesday, March 2, 2021 commended Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (Escom) for partnering the Council in tree planting exercise. Escom plans to support the Council plant 5,000 seedlings.

“It is our wish as the Council to dress our rivers, hills and all marginal land within the City with indigenous trees,” Makwinja says.

Makwinja plants a tree

This year’s tree planting is being done under the theme “Trees and forests for improved health and well-being because trees and forests provide adorable landscape within the City.

“As responsible citizens and residents let us join hands in the management and maintenance of trees in all our surroundings. Remember, it is not about the number of trees planted, but how many have been nurtured, well managed, survived and matured,” he says.

Together, we can make Blantyre City clean and green again and transform the landscape and livelihood.